Day 12, Self-care Day

Sometimes you just need a day. It has been a long week and we both were exhausted. I had planned to drive a truck for the HPP to Columbia, but I decided I needed to stay behind.  Since those plans changed, we decided that we both needed some self-care. I went to get my truck serviced and run a couple of errands and Mary Gwen went to get a pedicure. We met back home to go grocery shopping, then out to eat for a friends birthday. All in all the day was relaxing, and it was much needed.

Day 12:

What went well?

MG-Practing self-care and being prepared at a restaurant.

G-Practing self-care and trying new things to keep our Whole30 new and exciting.

What could have gone better?

MG-Eating meals at a better time.

G-While we were able to remain compliant at the restaurant, I think it probably would have been better to eat before.

What will you do tomorrow?

MG- Meal prep food and try to eat three solid meals

G-Try something new and prep for the upcoming week.

Thingamajig of the Day:

If you have a food allergy or have ever tried to eat healthy at a restaurant you know that finding options can be tough. It is these reasons and more, that we rarely go out to eat while on Whole30. But sometimes you make exceptions. Armed with precooked chicken, LaCroix, and Tessemae's Creamy Ranch, we were ready. While none of the appetizers were Whole30 approved or modifiable, that didn't stop our friend from requesting a large plate of celery for us to munch on. Where there is a will, there is a way.


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