Day 15 - Hey, Hey, Halfway!

I have to share a first for me on the Whole30. FOOD DREAMS. During our last Whole30, I admittedly made fun of Mary Gwen for having food dreams. But for both of us it wasn't about the foods we wanted or were missing but about breaking the Whole30. Its funny to wake up and check the kitchen to make sure you haven't fallen off the wagon. Here we are halfway!

Day 15:

What went well?

MG- I felt like I had a lot of energy today and I got to cook dinner.

G-Ate my lunch on time again and was able to mix up my drink choices with some herbal tea.

What could have gone better?

MG-I should've checked to make sure we had everything for the recipe I was cooking. Luckily, Garth went out and got more broth for the soup.

G- I felt like I could have used more protein at lunch.

What will you do tomorrow?

MG-Stay on course and as always drink more water.

G-Try some more drink options and increase protein.

Thingamajig of the Day:

Something that can make Whole30 easier as a whole is learning how certain recipes can be easily modified to be compliant. For instance, our baked potato soup recipe is compliant minus the cream. How do you modify? Simple, Trader Joe's Coconut Cream. Sprinkle on some compliant bacon and you have the perfect cold weather meal.


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