Day 4, Adapt and Overcome

Another busy day for me, I had errands to run for The Homeless Period Project and work. Traffic was terrible and everything took longer than expected. We had a concert at 8pm. Dinner was not prepped and time was short. It's in these moments you forget how often that we run to the easy solution, getting fast food, going out to eat, etc. But we were Whole30 strong, Mary Gwen ate a snack and I came home to cook dinner. It was a new recipe that we both enjoyed and we were full before the show.

Day 4:

What went well?

MG-I planned better today and I packed more breakfast so that I would be as hungry throughout the day. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love Starbucks and I resisted a sugary coffee drink.

Mary Gwen does not use as much creamer, but her memory still isn't the best-she forgot her Nutpods.  #waitingfortigerblood

G-I ate within my set time frame and resisted my favorite BBQ when someone offered to bring it for me.

What could have gone better?

MG-I didn't drink as much water today. I need to be better about setting goals and sticking to them when it comes to hydration.

G-While I resisted my favorite BBQ, the temptation was strong at first because I had not eaten lunch yet. Understanding and eating when I am hungry is a goal I need to achieve.

What will you do tomorrow?

MG-In knowing that we have a busy day, I plan to try to eat more filling meals and be active in drinking water.

G-Make sure to pack emergency food since we will have an extremely busy day.

Thingamajig of the Day:

Whole30 Cookbook, while the Whole30 community is exceptional and there are countless resources online. There is nothing like the reliability of an old fashioned cookbook. We have tried many different recipes, but are always looking to try new things when we can. The Cherry Chipotle Chicken is amazing (on page 128).


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