Whole30 Strong

Garth and I decided to start this blog many months ago but never ended up getting anywhere. We want to share our adventures in cooking through the Whole30. We also want to include any other hacks or things that make life more fun or interesting for us.

Most people are familiar with the Whole30 at this point. If you aren't, it's a way to reset your relationship with food. It's a 30 day elimination of many foods that cause issues for people - so you eliminate them for 30 days and you slowly reintroduce them back into your diet to see how your own body reacts. Reactions can vary from person to person and you can be the judge as to whether or not you want to continue eating that particular food, this is called Food Freedom.

We've decided that we are going to document our Whole30 using Whole30 Day by Day, but we are also going to give you guys a hack, kitchen tool, or recipe to enjoy in the process. We will also share about our passions as we shop and simply do life together.

We hope you'll enjoy sharing our journey! This is going to be a fun ride, we promise.


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