Day 16 - We Blacklisted Soft Drinks

Overall, today was pretty normal for us both. I know that work is about to get super busy for me, so it's been nice to have some "downtime" at work, and not have things hanging over my head. Garth made some of his version of stuffed peppers, we ate leftovers for dinner, and we are going to watch The Blacklist.  We have done extremely well on meal prepping this week and we are preparing to go out of town for the weekend. We will let you in on our secrets for staying Whole30 while traveling later on in the week.

Day 16:

What went well?

MG- I really enjoyed my breakfast (Go check out our instagram: stuffandthingamajigs to see a picture). I also have had a lot more energy - hoping I'm on my way to tiger blood!

G- I ate well and had plenty of energy and was able to conquer the day and it was over before I knew it.

What could have gone better?

MG- I did get a headache today, which is the first headache I've had in a long time. I think it was due to not eating lunch earlier. As soon as I figured that it might be related to that, I ate and began to feel better.

G- I was running late for a meeting at a different location and wasn't able to fry an egg or eat breakfast on time. I was able to eat at a later time and remain Whole30. I need to try to wake up earlier on days like this to keep my meals at an actual appropriate "meal time."

What will you do tomorrow?

MG- I am going to try to wake up a little bit earlier. The past two days have been really nice making bulletproof coffee and breakfast and not having to rush to get ready for work.

G- Wake up earlier since I have another meeting at another location again.

Thingamajig of the Day

I never in my wildest dreams would've thought I'd be a kombucha drinker. Over Christmas, I got the stomach flu and Garth's sister gave me some GT's Gingerade to try to settle my stomach. That was the start to me truly liking kombucha. I now use kombucha in the afternoon's when I need a little "pick me up." Even Garth likes some of the flavors and it's been a good alternative to soft drinks. 

If you're doing a Whole30, be careful of added sugars. If they have sugar in the ingredients list, it's not compliant, though I'm sure you already knew that! :) 

GT's Kombucha


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