Day 18 - Traveling on Whole30

As we mentioned yesterday, we traveled to Asheville after work to attend Alumni Weekend at UNC Asheville. Mary Gwen loves her alma mater and is always looking for an excuse to comeback and visit with her college friends. We are also dog sitting for her friend while we are here. The great thing about Asheville is that there are a lot more options for eating on Whole30, but if you are traveling on the Whole30 just accept the fact that you will be bringing half of your fridge with you.

Day 18:

What went well?

MG-Since I knew we wouldn't eat dinner until later, eating a snack was a perfect decision. And of course, being prepared with our favorite Tessemae's Ketchup helped to make our dinner at Farm Burger delicious! I also have been waking up earlier and have a lot more energy.

G-I love that everyone is curious about what I am eating that day and wants the recipe. Office Whole30 anyone? I am also starting to research/plan for food freedom and applying it to my job requirements.

What could have gone better?

MG-I can tell when I don't have enough healthy fats in my meals and need to work on balancing that better.

G-I can definitely feel my body needing nourishment when we don't eat within our normal time frame, but enjoyed a different meal and not having to prep food for a change.

What will you do tomorrow?

MG-I planned a brunch with some of my college friends and was able to choose the restaurant so I knew I could eat Whole30.  I also plan to keep emergency food while at the basketball games.

G-We did research before planning our trip and knew where we could eat on Whole30 relatively easy, thank you Green Sage. Also having our traveling fridge in my truck since its cold enough to have it with us.

Thingamajig of the Day:

If you haven't realized by now, Whole30 requires a lot of shopping and trips to many different grocery stores (at least in our city). We have always loved our Costco Cooler Bag, they are perfect for storing our meats and other cold foods while we travel from store to store. They are also perfect for traveling, like this weekend. We were able to bring enough food, drinks, and emergency foods for our weekend. 
Trader Joe's also has a smaller option that we love and use just as frequently. We both have them stored in our vehicles at all times, just in case. 


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