Day 20, Sometimes Surviving is All You Can Do

We had a great weekend in Asheville and it was time to head home. Not sure if it is the dreary weather, sleeping in an unfamiliar place, or just the busyness of the weekend, but we both aren't feeling our best. We went about our normal Sunday routine a few hours later and finished just before the Super Bowl started. Leftovers wasn't the highlight of our evening to say the least, but we ate what we could and made sure to waste as little as possible. Exhausted, we realized that we had to go grocery shopping to have food for tomorrow. It wasn't the most energetic trip, but we remained Whole30 strong.

Day 20:

What went well?

MG-Today seemed like a rough day, but having a big breakfast was the highlight of the day. Plus an amazing nap.

G-Honestly, since we both aren't feeling our best I am glad that we didn't give in and break Whole30 by going out to eat or whatever.

What could have gone better?

MG-Since we didn't actually get home until a lot later than expected, our schedule was thrown off and we didn't eat three meals. We should have planned better.

G-I haven't felt the best this weekend, fighting headache off and on, and today was no exception. Not eating regularly I am sure has a lot to do with it and my rest hasn't been the greatest. This combined with having commitments when we returned home, resulted in an exhausting and draining day.

What will you do tomorrow?

MG-It will be a lot easier with food now prepped and a variety of meals planned for the week. Thanks Pinterest Whole30'ers!

G-I am going to eat a large breakfast and make sure to have a plenty of protein. Also do better about scheduling and not spreading myself too thin.

Thingamajig of the Day:

Mary Gwen created a document for us to use when it comes time to meal plan. You'll notice the left-hand side is what we have on hand, the right-hand side is what we will need, and then the bottom part is what we'll make. We typically come up with about 5-6 meals that can be used for lunches and dinners and try to use items that we have on hand so that we don't waste. Usually, we do a bake of some sort for breakfast and that will last us the whole week.
What ways do you meal plan? Let us know if this is helpful for you!


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